Business Over Politics. Innovation Over Stagnation.

Want to change the world and think politics is the answer? Think again.

Kieran Audsley
4 min readNov 9, 2020
Image sourced by ‘invisiblepower’.

From a young age I always wanted to change the world — become someone great; do something great. I always thought politics was the answer – it isn’t. In September of 2021, I’m due to begin my course of PPE (politics, philosophy and economics) and I doubt that will be happening. I’m going to try and change my course prior to starting as I now understand that if you want to change the world; business is the way forward. Not that I wish to study business; but I feel there are a variety of subjects better suited to fit my new narrative.

If you want to change the world then that must be completed through innovation — there is no other way. Innovation is defined as ‘a new idea or method’ — this is the only way to enact change. Therefore, if you want to change the world then you need an environment that accepts, embraces and enforces change. Believe me when I say that isn’t the realm of politics; through bureaucracy and regulation innovation is stifled almost completely. Whereas, in business, innovation is a necessity as it’s the only way to improve.

1. Would Apple have a failing NHS?

Probably not, but why? I believe the reason why is because within business you have the power to enforce radical change immediately — if something’s not working it can be cut or altered within a second. Action doesn’t have to pass a series of regulatory bodies. This allows businesses to be nimble, fast-paced and quick thinking. This is the root of the problem; politics, by nature, is heavily regulated (for obvious reasons) and I’m not suggesting that it shouldn’t be — because it really should — however, that environment is the polar opposite of innovation. Business is where you can make uninhabited progress; relatively unstifled by regulation and inaction. Businesses are efficient, politics is a media machine.

2. How to change the world?

Well, there certainly are many beaten paths to success — you can read about the path I’m taking in my article ‘Build an Empire.’ — which I will briefly explain here…


Pick a problem. Any problem that you feel strongly about. If you are wanting to change the world I imagine reading that sentence caused something to jump out at you. Hint? That’s probably the problem you should focus on.


Once you’ve picked a problem within the world that you feel strongly about you then need to become an expert in that field. Many don’t seem to realise that becoming an expert is free. You can become educated to a high degree through reading, online courses and YouTube — Elon Musk taught himself rocket science this way to become the Chief Designer at SpaceX. You can go to university but I feel it’s really not necessary.


While you are becoming an expert, I would recommend creating content on your subject — managing social media accounts showcasing your cause and what you’ve learnt. When it comes to content creation you have three areas to focus and choose from; written word, audio and video. If you’re not comfortable doing videos or podcasts then write articles like I’m doing. Create some form of content for your subject — what happens is you will begin to form connections with people and organisations also interested in your cause. The more support you get the better. You should be primarily concerned with improving the odds of success — creating content is definitely something to take on board. I would advise you to look into Gary Vaynerchuck for the strategy behind creating content.


As you are becoming an expert you will encounter smaller problems within the field that all accumulate to the overarching problem that is your cause. You need to apply your knowledge — think using first principles (by working up from the root assumption) and then innovate! Radically innovate within your cause and fix the problems within it. Work hard and work smart.

3. A message to the future world changers

I do hope I’ve convinced you to pursue a path within business over politics; I truly believe it’s a better environment for innovation and thus change. Business (as well as non-profits) allow you to radically change things and innovate for good. Politics has a very difficult barrier to entry and the time you spend jumping through the hoops that you need to could be spent by making progress for your cause. If you want to be able to produce results without having to get every action approved by a panel of other advisors then I would suggest choosing a career in business over politics. I wish you all every success, regardless of the path you choose — just make sure while you change the world that you enjoy what you’re doing! Thank you for reading, have a great week.

